Thursday, March 19, 2009

MMS, TETHERING, CUT & PASTE in firmware 3.0 !

It's official.
On the new 3.0 firmware there will be tethering, MMS and cut & paste.
I don't care about those features and I'm still happy with my 1.1.4 but I'm sure many of you do care.
So I wanted you to know.
Oh and by the way, expect a new iPhone in a few months!

Friday, February 27, 2009

The best email I received in one year of ZiPhone

The best email

This is the best email I received from when ZiPhone came to life.

I wanted to share it with you and thank publicly Till Bantle.

Click on the image to look at it in full size.



Friday, January 23, 2009

Nostalgy :,)

I'm a nostalgic, I know.
Since David changed the layout of the old site.
Here you have a backup of the original ZiPhone site.
Not much of fun, but much better than google cache :)

The new address is:


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Passing the baton...

Passing the baton

As you maybe already know,
I called the auction off.
I refunded all $50 bidding donations.
Since I have no time to manage this site
anymore, I will pass the baton to David.
David runs many sites and a few are
about cellular unlocking.
So, from February on I will not have
anything more to do with this site.
You can find another blog at
where I will write thoughts, findings, foolish things
and whatever will come up to my mind.
Stay tuned for news !
