Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Passing the baton...

Passing the baton

As you maybe already know,
I called the auction off.
I refunded all $50 bidding donations.
Since I have no time to manage this site
anymore, I will pass the baton to David.
David runs many sites and a few are
about cellular unlocking.
So, from February on I will not have
anything more to do with this site.
You can find another blog at
where I will write thoughts, findings, foolish things
and whatever will come up to my mind.
Stay tuned for news !



  1. Is ziphone dead? or will you surprise us once again? well... if you tell us it wont be a surprise anymore! right? :P best of lucks! cheers from venezuela!

  2. The iPhone world will miss you. Thanx for everything!

    Ifor one hope you will come back with ziphone for 3g 2.2 with an imei changer.


  3. so long ziphone. you have been great to this community! You have impact the world, really you have! Take care! :-)

  4. David where are you? zibri are you still seeing this? where are you guys?
