Saturday, July 19, 2008

Photo by darren shanahan


  1. hey! i dont know if you know this already but there is already an unlock out from iPhone Dev Team. no worries though. no pressure! we have faith in you! we're here to support you! keep up the good work!

  2. What does this mean?

  3. Funny how so many drops of water that you have helped make a river when given any direction to go in. Enjoy yourself Zibri and let's all remember what ziphone has done for us.

    Water water everywhere, and no a drop to drink...

  4. very nice pic!!!! Contrats

  5. but what des it all mean? :-)

  6. What the hell is this Zibri?

  7. um nice... YAY =] im 1st!

    thanx for the great program

  8. You are doing the right thing.... wait on the river's side for the enemy's body to pass ;)

  9. LOL
    you are having fun... aren't you :D
    the day that iphone dev team release the stupid PWANG MOWANG which doesn't have installer and doesn't unlock 3G you go and sit some where nice and relax :D

    the best POST ever in ziphone :D

    I love it how you take the pisssss

    C U later Zi


  10. LOL!!
    Sei seduto sulla riva del fiume e aspetti che passi il...?
    He he.Bellissima questa!Mi hai fatto cominciare la giornata con un sorriso....
    Sei troppo forte:)

  11. So you didn't approve my last comment, probably because having people see it would hurt your donations. If you are working on a ZiPhone release for 2.0 say it so we can donate, stop posting shit with no real meaning.
    I want to support you, and I want ZiPhone for 2.0 but your arrogance about it, mainly the "IF and WHEN" shit makes, not only me, but many nervous about donating. SO, I will say it again, let us know if you are going to release, or plan on even trying to, a new ZiPhone for 2.0.
    If so I'll Donate, if not, remove the donate button and stop venting about how you original and are above you fans with your "life".

    I know you wont approve this, but I hope you read it.

  12. deep picture (o:

  13. you are still my hero. Zibri Go

  14. No Zibri, please don't dive into the torrent !!!
    DevTeam have released their tool but you can do better !!!

  15. In attesa che passi il cadavere del proprio nemico...?

  16. What a guy!
    You should see the lenghty steps you have to do just to pwn 2.0.

    Boy I miss my ziphone. I think I might just wait till you are ready.

    Namaste my brother frm another mother.

  17. Ma i vostri iphone edge.....non funzionano più ?? Oppure siete tutti bambini di 5 anni che vogliono il giochino nuovo solo perchè....è nuovo ?!
    A cosa vi serve il gps ? (le mappe ve le fanno pagare !!!)...a cosa il 3g....con quei cani dei carrier italiani ?! Datemi retta.....tenetevi caro il vostro pezzo di alluminio.....che quello di plastica alla fine è solo per gli sfigati che hanno 500 euri da buttare per far vedere che anche loro hanno l'iphone !!!

  18. nkciMi sembra un post un po' permalosetto, eh? Dai, lascia che gli altri facciano il loro lavoro, e tu farai il tuo.
    Chi è qui è un tuo "tifoso" e spera solo che tu riesca a dare ciò che in passato è stato così utile e funzionale.

    Personalmente non la vedo come una gara,e anche tu lo hai spiegato bene, ma credo che l'attesa di avere qualcosa di nuovo sia troppo forte per noi malati di tecnologia.

    Io aspetterò il nuovo Ziphone (magari con la nuova icona, di cui anch'io ti avevo inviato la proposta, e per la quale non hai mai rivelato la tua scelta).

    Spero che quando tu ti rialzerai dalla riva del fiume sarai più riposato e sereno.

    Siamo con te, e sapere che un italiano è il riferimento per una cosa così seguita nel mondo è un orgoglio in più!


  19. waiting you!

    im from turkey and all of us say this words seriously dont forget us..

  20. I need ziphone lol.
    Don't like winpwn, I think that has more chance of bricking your iPhone.
    Trust yours 100% and I don't believe the crap other sites say about ziphone. It's not gonna put me off using it ever :-).

    Donation as soon as ziphone for 2.0 is realeased.

  21. As Pwnage Tool has more options It only works on Mac. So Ziphone is better because works on Windows and Mac and have the same options. Winpwn is the worst fucking program that exists to jailbreak 2.0

  22. I think i will personally wait till everything blows off. I mean i pretty much have everything i need on my iphone. 1.1.4 has been a tremendous break through. There is no rush to go and get the 2.0 update.Thats what happens when we chose to jailbreak the iphone. We have to wait in order to get the good stuff.

  23. I hope in you Zibri, i don't have a Mac, so I'll wait for Ziphone 3.1, o whatever it'll called, see ya Zibri, we trust in you, but dont desapointment

  24. don´t jump! we ll wait for you. Just post how that relase could damage the iphones.

  25. After a couple of hours of hell and no jailbreak for my iPod touch with Pwnage 2.0, I really hope that there will be an easy Ziphone tool for iPod touch 2.0. I used ZiPhone for my 1.1.4 and it worked with no hassle. Currently I'm restoring from Apple as Pwnage for me is unusable.

  26. After a couple of hours of hell and no jailbreak with Pwnage 2.0, I'll patiently wait for Ziphone for 2.0. I'm restoring right now from horrors of Pwnage. I hope this will be as easy as Ziphone was for 1.1.4, which was a no-hassle operation.

  27. Just downloaded ziphone for osx and noticed its different than it was last week... have you secretly released something here Zi?

  28. Who said you had time to sit beside a peaceful stream? Get back to work!!


  29. hey zibri! nice pic!looking to the dev-enemies at the other side of the river
    this is your moment! dev-team made a good work, no doubt about it, and now is the moment of ziphone for the rest ! we are a lot of people waiting for you...

    we trust you! and ,personally i´ll be waiting for your release!PATIENTLY ! OF COURSE ! ;D

  30. man some of you people are pathetic let the man live his life. if he wants to produce another version of his software for you all then he will. do you really think all this "pressure" is going to aide in a great product. enjoy what you have and be thankful if there is another breakthrough like ziphone was!

  31. Hey guys, check out a status, theres something delicious :P, i think its only a matter of time XD

  32. Zibri

    I think you are taking the correct approach doing this on your time and when you feel its right. Although you have developed this product people should remember you are doing us the favor and have lots of credability to release a half ass hack. I own 2 software companies and I know the devil is always in the details and the unknown! Keep up the good work and I await the release of a real quality jailbreak not something rushed out for fame that is not complete!

  33. greendave 3 days ago 2 points

    Please login to rate.

    Do you already have an account? Log in and claim this comment.
    Awesome. These updates make you more professional than the monoliths who create the devices in the first place.

    I have not updated iTunes so I can do a full restore of my unlocked (Z)iPhone to 1.1.4 and convert to you guys leaving Zibri behind forever - your updates are giving me confidence and I'm glad I held off doing anything stupid!

    Thanks in advance.

    A post on Dev Teams website. Im pretty sure its not only him, but other people as well. I for one, am definetly not as after trying the ziphone and using it, i have lost faith in all the other ways to hack the iphone.

  34. zibri, this is my first post ever so please read it. I think your ziphone is awesome but u've heard that already. Your last statement was not in line with your talent man. Just saw pwnage(what the heck does that mean anyway) guide and it sucks compared to your stuff. Like everyone else I'd prefer to wait for you, but give us a sign man! Your silence is killing me..

  35. Murdoc X said...

    So you didn't approve my last comment, probably because having people see it would hurt your donations. If you are working on a ZiPhone release for 2.0 say it so we can donate, stop posting shit with no real meaning.
    I want to support you, and I want ZiPhone for 2.0 but your arrogance about it, mainly the "IF and WHEN" shit makes, not only me, but many nervous about donating. SO, I will say it again, let us know if you are going to release, or plan on even trying to, a new ZiPhone for 2.0.
    If so I'll Donate, if not, remove the donate button and stop venting about how you original and are above you fans with your "life".

    I know you wont approve this, but I hope you read it.

    ........I don´t know if you understand "D O N A T E".... not "P A Y 4".......

    He has no obligation to do it, why you didn´s start jailbreaking....

    allways when I make a mistake and crash my Iphone ziphone was the answer...

    Yo apoyo a Zi yo se que hará un buen trabajo y gracias por tu soporte.

  36. Zibrid Amigo...Hope you are right, and hope you dont take all the bad comments from people...Thanks Again and waiting for the Ziphone New Program, that i know will kick others b... Take Care..

  37. hey Zibri,
    Uv done a fantastic job the first time & no doubt ur gonna do something even better this time round..
    We'r patiently awaiting ur release..
    Rock on!!
    Peace & Sukhriya( means..Thanks in Hindi)

  38. Nasir, check out ziphone status. I think our Z is getting there !!!

    Zibri, you are The Best !!!

  39. let the man enjoy his vacation. obviously he doesnt want to release anything right now. as a veteran in the game (no talking about iphone specifically) you can't expect someone to just jump out and release something just because the other opponents have. i'm sure he already has something in the works, and is just perfecting. why release something now that may still have bugs.. we know the guy has great potential so just give him the rest he needs and all will come soon.

  40. hey dude. how are you.. cool pic what camera did you use to take that pic and where is that place looks cool. I just wanted to say thanks for ziphone used it to unlock my 32gb ipod touch. In regards to these peeps and yearning for 2.0 i dont really get them.. u get access to apps of which only 200 are free and u knw they r gonna be the useless ones.. and its not like before where u bought the phone without a contract so people chill it aint the end of the world... thats my two cents..


  41. Zibri you rock... ZiPhone is the best... You did an excellent job with the past releases I know you are going to do the same with the new one! Thanks

  42. There's going to be a new installer to work on 2.0's

    (installer v.4)

    Zibri, you should put that in

  43. GEOHOT found the disk key yesterday, so thats not new.

  44. Fast! we are waiting for you.....Take your time, i know when ever i recieve a google new alert on my iPhone (1.4 unlocked jailbroke with Ziphone), i come to your page and view status. Just to see you got something. As as novice i just trust whats is good to me before...ziphone is very good to me before so i am waiting for your update again. It would be very nice if you just let us know approximate time when you can release something like unlock or ziphone. i know can do that.....we are with you ..but must be fast ...quick ...dont let others into your territory ..PUT ON YOUR ZORROW MASK . We want one click solution . Just that.


  45. Sunday, July 20, 2008
    2.0 key.

    System disk name: BigBear5A347.M68OS
    System disk key: 2cfca55aabb22fde7746e6a034f738b7795458be9902726002a8341995558990f41e3755
    Posted by Zibri at 5:40 PM

    I don't get it to be honest lol.

    Btw, zibri man put some Metallica, Linkin Park, Korn, Evanescence and Limp Bizkit on the radio thing.\m/ lol

  46. i dont get what the updated status means :). is it a good news or is it just there for zibris reference? how could the ky 2.0 help us in anyway of unlocking the iphone :S

  47. Non so come funzioni nel resto del mondo, ma qui in Toscana gli smanettoni Mac hanno una regola: programma (firmware) che funziona non si aggiorna. Il mio iphone 2G con 1.1.4 va benissimo, ho il mio installer e tutto ciò che mi serve dentro (è un telefono eh!! è un ipod eh!!!). Certo che la curiosità di vedere questo 2.0 c'è, ma qui mi sembra diventato un centro u.s.l dove somministrare metadone hai tossicodipendenti! Mah..comunque la Toscana Mac è con te :)
    Sperando, sognando, vivendo.

  48. I'm waiting for your solution, keep it up the good work!

  49. This FUCKING people don't know how good you are for us.

    You don't need to be pressured, thanks for the great job, and continue in this wonder way you can gain a lot with this.

    You're the best ever!

    Sorry for bad english!

  50. Zibri is my hero! keep up the work no matter what anyone says!!! two thumbs up Zibri dont let stupid other hackers bring you down, if they were so good they would make software as good as yours!

  51. Maybe the best place to rest, take a breath, and whenever you feel it, go back to work again, isn't it? Take your time, you deserve it. I have no hurry. Many of us. Better slow and good than fast and bad, this is not a race, this is your choice. I respect whatever you decide. Rest your soul.

  52. Maybe the best place to rest, take a breath, and whenever you feel it, go back to work again, isn't it? Take your time, you deserve it. I have no hurry. Many of us. Better slow and good than fast and bad, this is not a race, this is your choice. I respect whatever you decide. Rest your soul.

  53. saludos desde Panama zibri...!
    el ziphone es lo maximo

  54. saludos desde Panama zibri...!
    el ziphone es lo maximo

  55. Nice pic.
    Thank you for your awesome program!

  56. Zibri He Is The Man

  57. Gotta say, that is the most fun I've had reading a response in a while. Definately good for a giggle. I look forward to the next dramatic installment.

    Ever Faithful


  58. What is everyone's problem?
    Did you know that the Iphone 3G just came out and people are complaining of problems? I had an old Iphone and sold it bcs of the problems I ran into. My friend had her Iphone replaced twice and today she sold it.
    People, get a life! especially you MURDOC X, if you can't unlock it, just go buy a Nokia or samsung.
    I am not going to buy the 3G yet if at all till I hear that they Ironed out most of the bugs.
    Patience everyone, again it is only a phone and not a defibrillator machine to help restart someones heart.

    Peace in the middle east

  59. Saludos desde Venezuela!!

    Un gran abrazo amigo.

    Excelente trabajo.

  60. Zibri .....

    I know everybody is truing to beat you in some ways, but all this community really trust in you (as I do), my problem ..... a STUPID ERROR, I updated my 1.1.4 iPhone to 2.0, now that i know your website and community, is too late, trying to find my solution y meet all this people behind you asking for help, right now, I´m one of them, i hope you can give me specific steps to recover my iPhone, it was a huge effort to get it, and right now, i don´t want to lose my phone and overall, i don´t want to be a part of this awesome "market" monopoly of 3G, we´ll always be with you ..... and i´m sure, you are our hero, giving us freedom with all your hard work!

    I hope you can help me (as you always do with everybody) ..... right now i have downloaded ZiPhone ..... but i don´t want to be wrong again, may you help me with this?


    Sincerely, your friend, Alex Carrasco

  61. Saludos desde Venezuela!!!

    Un abrazo al pana Zibri!!!


  62. And to the iphone community, i don't think you should be putting so much attention and pressure to this, show no care and you see something new, the worst you can do is make somebody feel indispensable

  63. You're the best!

  64. hey zibri....
    (not related to this pic but gotta say this)
    you gotta release a version of ziphone or anything that we can change iphone first gen fw 2.0 IMEI! it's really needed in my country! thanks man! appreciate you work!

  65. Ziphone is the best...ever

  66. nice pic, I wish I'm next to a river too...

  67. Nice pic from Darren!
    And don´t go with the flow! Create your own flow and go with it ;) (And don´t forget to invite).

  68. Zi, appreciate everything you've done. People will always criticise, but don't let that bring you down. Cnet thought your program was great, and so di thousands and thousands of other people. If you decide to get back in the saddle and do something for 2.0 do it for you, because you can, and those of us who appreciate your work will congratulate you, thank you, and donate. Don't let them get you down. Let them criticise and use some other product. At the end of the day, people will choose what they will, and I promise you will be pleasantly surprised to see how many choose you! Peace and happiness for you buddy!

  69. im waiting for Zibri to do his thing and if he doesnt then that my phone doesnt need to be updated i put my faith in his devlopment.

  70. i dig Ziphone and used it for jailbreaking my 1.1.4 iphone 1.0

    let me take this opportunity to say thanks. I'm getting my 3G tomorrow and will continue chking out your blog regardless of the future of Ziphone.

    you're one of the good ones, brother.

  71. Dear,
    We r trusting u only. Before I upgraded my Iphone using ur SoftWare. Good Luck for ur present work..

  72. i think zibri is in a battle with the other guys because they unlocked it first and now zibri feels indispensable and thats why he is trying to compare the old ziphone to the new programs.
    Thanks for censuring my comments zibri, you know that im saying the truth

  73. Ya, I have donated substantially to your cause and want to continue to donate. I don't care how long it takes, but if you can indicate if you're working on something so I can continue to support your work with my money, but if you're done with the whole business, then indicate that. I will say congrats on all you've done, but keep my money.

    thx Z

  74. Just want to say Thank you.

  75. Have you seen the DevTeam unlock description?

    You need a PhD, a ton of good karma, prayer beads and half a brain to try it.

  76. From the looks of it the count down timer on the Yiphone page will end in a little over 5 days.

    I 100% agree with Zibri that the apps store was a stoke of genius on Apple's part. Not only will they sell you 3rd party apps, but they will even give anyone the tools to make their own apps, and if approved they will sell them for you. People that spent their time and make useful apps deserve compensation. Apple only keeps 30% of the sales. If the developer wants to offer the app for free Apple will let them do so. The only draw back I can see in the whole thing is that you have to own an intel based Mac running leopard. I know I sure wish I had one right now!

    If I were Zibri I would forget the jailbreak unlock and just make useful apps. Then he would be assured to get paid for his time. There are too many people breathing down his neck demanding something for nothing. That is a total lack of respect. That's a huge factor in the state of the world today. Too many people feel entitled to things they do not deserve. Get what you deserve Zi. If that's a trip around the world for a whole year chasing spring go for it, because you worked hard and put out the best product. You made a mark on the world that will be remembered.

  77. Zi,

    Have rest, you deserve it so much.

    I loved your comments about the 3G, GPS and iPd
    You have evtg you need and we, as iphon users, are NOT obliged to buy the 3G, aren't we?

    This makes all difference: WE decide, nobody else.

    Hope to keep on reading your posts.


  78. Two bulls are standing on a hill looking down on a field of cows. The young bull shouts that he 'll run down and grab himself one of these beautiful cows. The older bull calmly says that he will walk down and will take all of them...

    Cool... and take your time Zibri.

    (In god we trust, all the rest: donate)

  79. Zibri...
    the ziphone is simply the best !!

    Venezuela presente!!!

    Un abrazo Zibri!!!

  80. Hi Zibri, can you give us an estimate of when your'e planning to release the software to unlock 2.0

  81. ok
    Zibri you have built a credibility among all the users. America, Africa, Europe, Asia , Africa you have people using your tool.
    Such a huge dialogue base is amazing to see. Such a confidence we have for you. People like me are checking your blogs after every hours to check whether you have delivered your new baby or not. Cheers..
    Waiting for the 2.0 unlocked

  82. Hey Zibri,

    Let me start by just saying that I respect you and whatever decisions you make, and I , like many others, have never asked, pushed or nagged you to release anything.

    But I think you should also be consequent with your words. Not long ago, you made a point by saying this is not a war, and so on... Well, your post in this blog, just the same day the dev team released their app, makes me think you ARE turning this into a war. I just don't believe it is a coincidence you posted that picture on the same day.
    I also have to agree with someone here that you stressing the IF and WHEN on your previous post is a bit arrogant on your side, but hey, guess we're all allowed to be pissed off every now and then.

    So, again, I'm not demanding anything here. I just check your site every couple of days to see if there's anything new, because like many others I found your tool to be great. If I don't find anything, I'll wait, or I'll look for alternatives, depending on how good they are.

    Anyway, hope you don't take this badly, and hope you're enjoying your life, dude.

  83. Have good time ! I've used the Pwnage to go from 1.1.4 to 2.0 but this new version is slower, bugs (on my phone, at least...) and went back to 1.1.4. After the downgrade, I was really to have your software on my Mac to jailbreack / activate my iPhone !

  84. Hello

    are you saying that with FW 2.0 on an iPhone, even a 1st generation iPhone, that apple can push a button and kill my phone?

    that would be a good reason not to upgrade..

    Im in USA, and ATT has no reception at my home, so Tmobile is my only choice

  85. Zibri u are the best!!!!!!!!!!
    We r waiting for the next zIphone and we beelive u !!!!!!
    Pls don'teow us away!!!!!!

    p.s Hello from Russia !!!!!!!
    p.s.s do it just for the biggest fan of iPhone - Russian President!

  86. hancock
    Not you average superhero.

    I watch similars.
    1 person with a sort intelligence, post zibri is ...
    you take the voice of 1 person and do it for all???
    That its the same if someone tell you 1 day you are stupid, and you think is the voice of all the persons in your life.

    I think you need time for you, take donations and travel to that river, found your way and take it.

    You can make happy people if you relesed 2.0 version, but if you dont take happy for you doing this thing, Don't do it.

    take care Zibri.

  87. You drop as not to water the iphone

  88. Nice.... I wish I was you... enjoying the sound of the river

  89. Please believe me and read this article

  90. Yea Z, take a little break dude. I agree that the 3G is way overrated and I have major offers on my first gen phone.

    1st gen iphoners unite! Plus installer is the bizomb!

    Dont hate, congratulate.

    Job well done Z


  91. @Groundzero

    For some people, it's a lot more complicated. But please don't use a blanket statement to justify your inability to comprehend it. You discredit your own intelligence. You're much smarter than that.

    I used ziphone to jailbreak and for that i'm grateful. I had a bit of trouble with the pwnage software but that's was because of my own haste. Following the steps, i was able to get what i wanted.

    Good luck to all iphone unlockers.

  92. zibri i less than three you i donated to you regardless of whether or not you going to make ziphone 2.0
    while i may not be a hacker or a programmer and may only have a year of advanced 9th grade computer class under my belt i understand the time and effort and ability that you have and this program takes so do what i do

    chillax play some xbox watch g4 listen to my 1.1.4 iphone and maybe take a nap.

    F the world.

  93. well hang on my freind ! if u dont have the solution so far its ok atleast u gave us a nice unlock back in 1.1.4

    well theres a nice proverb used by children since they are of that certain criteria

    " sticks and stones may brake ur bones but words will never hurt u "

  94. about the donation posts:" people c'mon its a a opt in , opt out , ur not forced to donate ... if zibri decides to release his 2.0 unlock or some software that brings improvment to the iphone then u can donate to him as a reward :)

  95. I have to wonder at the intelligence of commenters like Murdoc X who feel Zibri is obligated to update his software. Zibri created ziphone for his own use, and made a massive contribution to iphone freedom for all of us when he made it available for free. I've happily donated using his donation button, and suggest that everybody that has used ziphone do the same to the amount that they can afford. Not to suggest that Z is motivated by $, but it is the best way of showing our appreciation of his efforts. Rob

  96. ...what a letdown...

  97. Zibri , u re the best ,dont worry about critics n especulations , u take ur time , u rly deserv it !!

    i really hope ,somehow, u manage to jailbreak ,actvate and unlock 3g iphone but no hurry , as long as this ziphone (if it will exist) be good as the older !!
    We BELIEVE in you !!

  98. z is a lazy mexican

  99. I think he got some money from come a super-hacker now became in a deep mind thinker and poet???????? this is no time for time to break apple empire!!! come on ....wake up!!!! DUH!!

  100. Sitting on the side!
    this time around.

  101. Sono sicuro che il fiume porta grandi novità. Buon lavoro Zibri, sei il migliore!

  102. I can't wait for this to come out, I have to pay for my cell phone bill but when I get some extra I'll donate for sure!

    Goodluck, I have a feeling you're nearly there!

  103.'re kick in the face to all those pathetic people that actually are dying and wating that you release iphone 3G jailbreak...I don't have Iphone 3G so...people...keep waiting cause Zibri is enjoy the nature...jaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!

  104. ...What a letdown?... what? I mean... what?


    it's that a post? or some sort of strange sentence from nobody?

    Come on!!!! people!!!! Zibri made that for himself!!! He publish it for the rest of us!!! for free!!
    If he made a choice of not making a Ziphone 2.0 or whatever then that's ok!!! you cannot cry like babys without the cookie because of that!!! It is not he's obligation.

    Sorry my bad english :D

    Zibri Thank you!!!


  106. Hey zibri, just wanted to show my support, you've done a lot for the iphone community and you're not obligated to do anything more. Offering Ziphone for free was already enough. I know you probably have the new Ziphone almost ready, but its all in good time. People be patient......we'll have it soon enough. Good luck Zibri!

  107. Its custom firmware hello people. its not that great. Ziphone just opens the locked doors in under 3 mins. and wait its the same phone you started with when you took it out the book. Custom Firmware just replaces Offical Firmware... what is this a PSP? Pwnage is not that great. its a rushed job anyways.

    Zibri your the best man. wished i had your skills.

    "Tortoise beats the Hare" always

  108. i just wanted to ask something..
    i have a 1.1.4 ipod touch, should I upgrade it to 1.1.5? will my ziphone still work? thanks a lot

  109. Dear Zibri
    I have hd some problems with my ipod touch(16gb). I heard about your software through youtube and used it on 1.1.4 software. I recently upgaded to 1.1.5 which was a silly mistake. All my apps have gone and so has installer. But even worse, i now connect my ipod and, after attempting to use your software due to great success on 1.1.4, my ipod is now stuck.
    I can connct it to my computer and itunes doesn´t recognise the ipod. Even further, my ipod, no matter how many times i restart it, will try t finish the jailbreak. It was a normal jailbreak, like when i did it on 1.1.4 but now it won´t do anything. It doesn´t reach the home screen or finish the jailreak. It pauses saying,

    jul 23 10:29:08 launchd[3]: can´t exec /bin/sh for single user: No such file or directory.

    I tried allyour troubleshooting methods but none worked.
    I am worried that i may have lost my ipod. Is there a solution to this problem? Can i completely restore my ipod to factory settings and use you software on 1.1.5?

  110. There is no software 1.1.5 it is software 2.0

  111. U r the man. That's all that matters. Do or don't, try or not. It doesn't matter to me. Haters hate that's all they know to do. U r the godfather of the iPhone.

  112. Zibri....what does this picture mean. Does it mean that you are just sitting there and giving up...hmmm?
    I hope it means you are just patiently waiting for all the others to put out their stuff so that you can put out the best! The sources are all out there now and like Geo said just ultilize. There are alot of programming languages out there such as C++ and again that a source so that people who are gifted like you can put out the best. Ford invented the automobile but who came out with the best automobile?

  113. Hey Zibri, how cold was the water?
